Enjoy tips shared by our members and learn from their real life
experiences. These are the most comprehensive dating tips online!
  • Dating after divorce: just be open and find the chemistry back
    It is difficult for some to get back into the swing of things after a long difficult marriage and divorce. One may have concerns with trusting and respecting others, esp ... For detail, click here.
  • Discuss the ex after 4-5 healthy dates
    The question is always , "do I tell him about my ex, and when do i do it??" I always suggest bringing them up after 4-5 healthy dates. And when you do, leave it plain and ... For detail, click here.
  • Do not discuss your ex
    It is stated that the easiest way to put a potential partner of you, is to discuss your ex-partner on your first date. This is enough to indicate that you are still n ... For detail, click here.
  • Do not rush into something after you have lost somebody
    If you just lost a husband/wife, be very sure of what you want, because some people rush into dating after they lost someone. If you are on a break and you want to date a ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't act desperate
    This is for people who were broken up with by surprise, and the relationship was going well. If someone happens to break up with you, you may go through this phase where you ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't be bitter
    Making mental lists of all the reasons an ex was bad, an going over an over in your head the reasons why your better off, can work for the better in some circumstances b ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't compare your ex to your current match
    It's great to learn from past experience, but don't expect the same behaviors, qualities. likes and dislikes-and even motivations from your new partner. That would be inc ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't let your ex affect your current date
    On a first and second date only focus on you and the intended partner. Ignore the impulse to bring up the past failures with your ex's. Dedicate this special time ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't start a conversation with "my ex used to..."
    Picture this, its your first date, your nervous, he's nervous, you're both wondering what to talk about to gain some common ground...Nervously, he asks you how the weather's ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't stop contact if you want to get back together
    This is the biggest mistake that everyone Male or female makes. Why you ask? Well, because people think oh give it a week they will Miss me. That is the dumbest theory ev ... For detail, click here.
  • Find sunshine after the divorce storm
    It seems like the end of the world once your divorce has been finalized. In essence, it is the end of your identity as a "married" longer a husband or wife. ... For detail, click here.
  • Free your mind, and the rest will follow.
    As time goes on and we all have relationships that we categorize as a "failure" or hurtful and otherwise damaging. There is a positive viewpoint and henceforth method which a ... For detail, click here.
  • Heal the past. live the present. dream the future
    My favorite quote: Heal the past... Live the present... Dream the future... It's OK to hurt, and it's certainly OK to cry, there is a time for grieving but you must ... For detail, click here.
  • Healing and hope.
    Sometimes when a partner dies, or there is a breakup, it is so painful. It is better to be cautious and heal the wounds first, before getting into another relationship. It wi ... For detail, click here.
  • How much should you talk about the ex?
    I have recently been dating some women who have recently been divorced. I find that often times they talk about the ex as a way of justifying now being single. One of the ... For detail, click here.
  • How to avoid dating disappointment after break up
    As we start dating after a the breakup of a serious relationship or marriage we can often set ourselves up for failure. Avoid the letdown of post breakup dating by stayi ... For detail, click here.
  • How to avoid the foreseen break up?
    Okay well, its all happened to us before. A breakup that we saw a mile away and could have stopped it but didn't know when it was going to happen. well when you see the s ... For detail, click here.
  • How to forget about your ex
    Everyone knows its hard to break up with an ex and totally forget about them, here are a few tips to get you moving on up.... 1. Delete their number, once its ... For detail, click here.
  • How to get along with exs
    Girls and guys listen closely....It is ok to be friends with your exs so long as they know and you've made it clear that's all it'll ever be. Too many times in a realatio ... For detail, click here.
  • How to get better immediately when someone leaves you
    When someone leaves you, you feel betrayed, unappreciated, sad, alone and angry. You feel hurt. What most people don't realize is that they actually feel so bad and ... For detail, click here.

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