Enjoy tips shared by our members and learn from their real life
experiences. These are the most comprehensive dating tips online!
  • 10 Things not to do when dating a black woman
    Try to speak in whatever local dialect is spoken in her home (particularly in the Caribbean). Add race discussions in ... For detail, click here.
  • As long as your are happy and comfortable together
    Always keep in mind when searching for your potential "new love" that you two may or may not be accepted everywhere. Not all people are comfortable with interracial datin ... For detail, click here.
  • Be careful of racial ribbing
    Interracial Dating Dos & Donts You may be from one culture and your potential honey is from another. If your dating pool feels too small, it's time to widen it. The fastest w ... For detail, click here.
  • Be ready to date another race
    You have been dating/married for years to someone of the same race and now you are single again. You've thought about it but never had the chance or you may h ... For detail, click here.
  • Begin with a good compliment when dating a multi-racial person
    As a person of mixed heritage, I am sensitive to what my match has chosen for ethnicity preferences. Many people of multi-ethnic groups may feel uneasy when they get a co ... For detail, click here.
  • Breaking barriers
    Its more common than not to be in an interracial relationship, but to make it work successfully there are a few tips you should know! 1. Make sure you're comfortabl ... For detail, click here.
  • Date interacially to see the world through the eyes of another culture
    Let's face it, in the diversified world we live in it is more and more common to date interracially. And why not? There are so many things we can learn cross-culturally. ... For detail, click here.
  • Dating a black woman when you are other
    Even in today's society this is a subject that still needs to be addressed. However, I find it quite interesting that a lot of guys find a black woman as off limits. It could ... For detail, click here.
  • Dealing with racism within the family!
    Most people who have never dated outside their ethnic group can be in for a wake up call. While you may be oblivious to repercussions that ensue from your newly formed re ... For detail, click here.
  • Dealing with how others might view your interracial match
    Growing up, I was told that dating people outside my race was bad. I should never do it, and it was that simple. Someone even told me that the Bible also stated this. I'm n ... For detail, click here.
  • Do some research first on your dates culture - save offending someone!
    It is very important to ask before meeting as many questions about their culture as possible and then don't be afraid to google it for more in-depth review. There is noth ... For detail, click here.
  • Do's and don'ts about cultural differences
    When dating someone from another race, cultural differences are bound to arise. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about each other's backgrounds. See this as an op ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't date interracial as do it as an "experiment"
    Don't date interracial as do it as an "experiment. Be open and honest with the person you have met. The person you meet is probably looking for a committed relationship p ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't try to date stereotypes
    The best advice I can give to someone who wants to date outside of their ethnicity/culture is to not go into things with a rigid idea of how a person will be based on ste ... For detail, click here.
  • Dos and don'ts for dating an asian woman
    There seem to be many men who are interested in dating Asian women, but sadly, they seem to have approaches that turn off potential dates. Here are some ideas for men. ... For detail, click here.
  • Follow your heart in interracial dating
    1. Follow your heart: there are a lot of discouraging articles, blogs and talks that are negative about interracial dating. But if your heart desires something different, go ... For detail, click here.
  • Getting to know your bi-racial date
    I am half First Nations, and half German/French. The biggest comment I get (and also the biggest turn off for me) when I tell people what my ethnic background is, is this ... For detail, click here.
  • If english isn't your date's first language then maybe learn a few words of their language to surprise them
    Everyone has their own preference when dating but sometimes dating someone of a different race or culture can be different and exciting. You will find getting to know someone ... For detail, click here.
  • Interracial dating could be the missing piece to your puzzle
    If you're here, you're one of the lucky ones that understands that interracial dating could be the missing piece to your puzzle! Have you ever had an attraction to ... For detail, click here.
  • Love has no color
    When dating outside of your race, keep in mind that there may be some difference, but more important recognize the many similarities that exist. Take time to learn about ... For detail, click here.

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