Enjoy tips shared by our members and learn from their real life
experiences. These are the most comprehensive dating tips online!
  • 10 Ways to have a long lasting relationship
    10 ways to keep up the momentum of your relationship. 1. Time: If you don't have time for your partner there is no point of even being in a relationship. It's a ... For detail, click here.
  • 12 Signs that you're losing it over him
    1.Leaving the radio off because every song makes you cry 2.Loss of appetite 3.Binge eating for comfort 4.Calling your ex several times a day 5.Te ... For detail, click here.
  • 3 Phases of starting an online relationship
    The dating process actually starts with the wink, or email communication. This is the "getting their attention phase". Winks are great, they start the conversation, show ... For detail, click here.
  • 5 Searching advices for single girls
    GO TO A BAR SOLO Very few women have tried doing this. As scary as it sounds, going to a bar solo isn't so bad, if you don't pick a bad neighborhood. Here is ... For detail, click here.
  • A comprehensive guide to see if you're ready to meet somebody
    There are five primary areas that you should explore in order to assess your present state of readiness: 1. Past traumas 2. Self-awareness 3. Self-esteem ... For detail, click here.
  • Absolute beginner's guide to online dating
    To begin with, as obvious as it should be, reading a person's FULL profile is of the utmost importance. Specifically, what they are looking for and any section where the ... For detail, click here.
  • Almost too obvious ways for a great relationship, which is mostly forgotten!
    Have you ever wondered what sets off the opposite sex? Well here are somethings not to do for your relationship to go a lot smoother. First the guys. Ladies ... For detail, click here.
  • Am i a nerd on dates?
    It is okay to be a nerd. Everyone is a nerd / fan of something. But is it wise to advertise with it on a date? No! It is not clever to boast about one's knowledge ... For detail, click here.
  • Assume people are lying a little and use alias at the beginning
    I've been an on line dater for almost 10 years now. Let's face it; it's a great way to "shop" for your perfect fit. Meeting someone in a bar just isn't what it used to b ... For detail, click here.
  • Avoid a bad start for long term relationship
    Do not start relationships by chatting or talking about sex, it takes the important points of interest you should be talking about off the table and it pulls you into a v ... For detail, click here.
  • Balance amount of time talking about each other
    Guys make sure that you ask your date about themselves. If you only talk about yourself, the girl thinks you are only going to be "into" yourself. Ask specific q ... For detail, click here.
  • Be aware of how you and your partner feel loved
    The very best way to keep a happy healthy relationship is to make sure that both involved are aware of each other's way that they communicate love. Some people wi ... For detail, click here.
  • Be clear that you are not looking for a sexually intimate relationship
    When looking for friendship make it clear that you are not looking for a sexually intimate relationship. If you receive an invitation to be a riding buddy, please ... For detail, click here.
  • Be considerate to win a girl's trust
    The more kind and considerate your come off, the more likely you are a meeting new people and gaining relationships. Some guys will come off too strong and agg ... For detail, click here.
  • Be honest about what you're looking for from the beginning
    It saves both parties a lot of time and effort when everyone is honest about what type of relationship they're looking for from the beginning. If you're just looking for ... For detail, click here.
  • Be honest and don't lie
    Being honest can save a relationship that could lead to long time and marriage. For EX: on The Bachelorette-someone was found out because he wanted exposure for his futur ... For detail, click here.
  • Be mysterious
    You should never make yourself look or seem too desperate or available. The person you are going out with might get the wrong idea. You shouldn't if you are looking f ... For detail, click here.
  • Be patient since your man needs opportunity to success
    Listen ladies I know that your tired of the confusion and how your man never seems to understand what you expect of him. You don't want to settle for less and you feel li ... For detail, click here.
  • Be persistent, cautious and satisfied in finding mr. right online
    Be Persistent. Don't give it up too soon. Make us wait for at least 7 weeks. If he can wait that long on you for intercourse, you have something he likes. Be Cautious. Meet s ... For detail, click here.
  • Be personal, positive when catching a girl
    I was on this site once before. I met a man who was above my age limit but he wrote me the most beautiful emails (which are personalized, so you know he read my profile). I ga ... For detail, click here.

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