Enjoy tips shared by our members and learn from their real life
experiences. These are the most comprehensive dating tips online!
  • 3 Ice breakers that will help you get a conversation started
    When you go on a first date it's really easy to be awkward, so hopefully this will help you get a conversation started. 1st. People are always interested in talking ... For detail, click here.
  • A first impression speaks volumes
    Most women/men are interested in getting to know you on the first date. However, this doesn't mean that you have to tell him/her about all of your failed relationships, h ... For detail, click here.
  • Always ask; don't assume anything
    Even if a person presents himself as very devout, don't assume he will be a gentleman and practice what he says he believes. It is important to ask a person about ... For detail, click here.
  • Ask personal questions - don't ask how the date is going
    A word of counsel from a female perspective: Do not ask your first date is she thinks the date is going well and if you should make plans to see each other ag ... For detail, click here.
  • Avoid these topics on a first date
    When you're first going out with a person, the first date is typically your chance to get to know him or her, see if you have chemistry -- find out which foot to ... For detail, click here.
  • Dating communication: pay attention to how you listen, and how he listens to you
    What you want to know about a person you can always find out on a first date by listening. He will tell his likes and his dislikes, you will know how important you will t ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't do all the talking
    Let your date talk. You ask the questions and REALLY listen to what they are saying as well as body language. Also, people that talk to you, but can't look yo ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't forget to take turns in conversation!
    I'm sorry to say that my nervousness and excitement overwhelmed my brain and basic manners during my first phone call and in-person encounter with a very nice man I met o ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't own the conversation
    When on a first date, think of it almost as an interview. You want to get to know them, they want to get to know you. Ask questions and listen. Do not just talk and talk ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't talk about yourself the whole time
    Sure we love hearing what kind of person you are but to tell your whole life story on the 1st date can be boring and make you seem self-centered and possible even a lil crazy ... For detail, click here.
  • Emphasize the positive aspects about yourself on a first date
    It's your first time meeting him/her in person. Of course you're a bit nervous or maybe you're sweating shot gun shells! That's okay and healthy. Everyone wants their bes ... For detail, click here.
  • First date is about getting them more interested not scaring them away with your troubles
    I was enjoying a first date on a nice lunch meeting. We seemed to be hitting it off just great. Mid into the lunch I could tell that his interest changed. We said our cordial ... For detail, click here.
  • How to make early interaction on the fist date
    On the first date ask questions about the other person and then listen. Questions about their preferences, likes, dislikes. Ask them what they hope to get out of a relati ... For detail, click here.
  • How to make your date as your business professional
    Let's them curious about your achievement, secrets of your success, beauty in the way you represent with confident, high profile. Do not let them have sex with you ea ... For detail, click here.
  • How to talk with a woman during first date
    Here are a few tips when talking with a woman during first date: Look her in the eyes and smile Shake her hand gently Be sure to be clean a ... For detail, click here.
  • If he mentions marriage and all things serious on the first date things that seem to be good to be true as well as not leaving you alone physically
    This is aimed at females more so. As humans we all have hormones and a sexual side to us That's fine that's great. However. When online dating if the convo is always a se ... For detail, click here.
  • If the conversations aren't flowing naturally they aren't the one
    Everyone is very closed off with being open, and i find a lot are afraid to be honest on how they feel in conversations. It should be natural flowing, exciting, fun, and flirt ... For detail, click here.
  • Keep your ex's name out of your mouth!
    It's only natural when two people first start dating, there will be a conversation held about your previous relationships, it's healthy to have open communication with yo ... For detail, click here.
  • Not a job interview
    Try not to make the first date like a job interview. To many times I get the same standard questions. What do you want out of life? How many kids do you have/want ... For detail, click here.
  • Nothing negative about telling how you feel
    A first date can make you nervous or insecure, but with this tip you can handle every situation and even break the ice! We are all human because someone has a different life( ... For detail, click here.

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