Enjoy tips shared by our members and learn from their real life
experiences. These are the most comprehensive dating tips online!
  • 20 Rules for successful online dating
    1. Always let them come to you, don't chase them via email. 2. Block anyone who annoys you instantly. 3. Post the best and most vigorous photo you can find. 4 ... For detail, click here.
  • 5 Tips to get noticed by guys
    1. Make yourself sound confident by using simple headlines. 2. Don't make trashy profile pictures, showing skin is fine but some men want a little more class. 3. ... For detail, click here.
  • 7 Ways to get a better response rate
    When dating online, a few tips remain true no matter what site you are on. By following these rules, your experience will be more satisfying because you will actually get ... For detail, click here.
  • Be honest..not just for others but, for yourself
    Some say they are on the site looking for a soulmate,best friend,the one and so on.You browse around,find one or two that fit your liking. They're saying this and saying that ... For detail, click here.
  • Be patient with women who seem very cautious or reserved
    Hey guys, I can only speak from my own experience here, but as a woman (and a lady) in this world of online dating, I've become very cautious in my getting-to-know-you conver ... For detail, click here.
  • Being genuine creates more successful matches
    The likelihood that your Match is constantly surrounded by more accomplished and better looking people than you is very high. In the end, they still decided to sign up on ... For detail, click here.
  • Do not give it up easily and always fulfill your promises
    So far I have met some nice guys who do not seem to show any interest in me even though they say they are. There are promises of meeting in their free time. Or meeting on ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't be negative or tell too much info when emailing others
    Don't email someone telling them every detail from birth to present, keep it brief. Tell them something interesting not about how you got hurt in your last relationship ( ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't be too quick to trust
    I'm fairly new to the online dating. Having been through several bad relationships in a row, I've been very hesitant to get involved and trust someone. I've seen and hear ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't beat around the bush when you communicate with your matches
    Don't beat around the bush when you communicate with your matches. Tell your match exactly what you're looking for in them and tell them exactly what you are all about ph ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't jump too quick by only viewing one picture
    When looking at someones photos, don't always dismiss them because of it. It might not be a good photo and it is always better to know the person on the inside. Always re ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't play games
    Don't play games. Games really shouldn't enter into the dating and relationship arena unless they are in the bedroom. Otherwise playing games creates unnecessary ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't try to be something you're not.
    No need to go on a date trying to be some one you're not. There's a big chance he will see right though you! Relax - he is just like any other guy, just with a bigger bank ac ... For detail, click here.
  • Enjoy online dating, but make sure to see if there's a spark in person!
    Remember that the whole idea of online dating is that eventually you do actually leave your computer and meet people. Enjoy the emailing, but don't let it go on for weeks ... For detail, click here.
  • Finding common interests
    When dating someone find common interests and hobbies that you both like so when you do go out , you both would enjoy what you are doing. This is important because no ma ... For detail, click here.
  • Getting to know each other is a two way street
    When emailing and calling prior to meeting for the first time, talk often and on varied topics. Don't hog the conversation or talk only about yourself.Try to ask open end ... For detail, click here.
  • Getting to know each other through email
    So you've received a wink and have initiated conversation through email. Congratulations! You've made it through step one. But now what? Well don't worry my friend. This ... For detail, click here.
  • Give a relationship some time to grow before giving yourself to another person
    I am one of many women out in the world that has a quick heart in falling in love. This does not mean there is something wrong with me. This only means I get more broken he ... For detail, click here.
  • Holidays can be best time of the year to date a potential match
    The holidays can be the best time of the year to hook up with a potential date. This time of the year finds many single, unattached people lonely and bordering on depress ... For detail, click here.
  • Honesty is always the best policy
    We've all been through it. We meet someone, engage in what becomes a beautiful conversation and/or connection. The attraction is there. Yet in the back of your mind, you can't ... For detail, click here.

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