Enjoy tips shared by our members and learn from their real life
experiences. These are the most comprehensive dating tips online!
  • How to tell your partner about herpes
    For most of us we think getting an uncureable std is the end of the line for our dating life. Not true. Yes morally we have an obligation to be aware of not spreading the ... For detail, click here.
  • It's ok to take time in explaining what you have
    I have been positive going on 11 years. I have dated both poz and neg guys (most neg guys). I have learned years ago that it is ok not to tell the person you are going on ... For detail, click here.
  • It's hard but obligated to tell the person of my situation
    So no one wants to, on the first date, say I had a great time by the way, I have herpes. If you did this you would probable never get a second date. I tend to introduce S ... For detail, click here.
  • Let the person know you have std sooner than later but not immediately
    I was seeing this girl for a couple of weeks and things were starting to get serious and I knew I had to tell her sooner rather than later. On the following date, after d ... For detail, click here.
  • Let your partner know your disease clearly and scientifically (protect your partner and relationship)
    You cannot expect to meet someone, tell them about the disease, and have them instantly understand and accept you. Most people, when it comes to STDs know nothing ... For detail, click here.
  • Make sure to make plenty of time when you need to have 'the talk' with somebody new.
    Telling another person that you have an std is a very difficult conversation to have. Your are offering very personal information about yourself that puts you in a vulnerabl ... For detail, click here.
  • Never be afraid to disclose your status.
    Never be afraid to disclose your status at some point of someone that might turn into a potential mate. It's better to know if someone is really liking you for you or just wa ... For detail, click here.
  • On which occasion to tell your medical history or have the "talk"
    "The talk" is scary. More for you than the person on the other end. I have had this conversation with three people. Not one of them found this statement to be as scary as ... For detail, click here.
  • Prepare yourself for a partner's delayed reaction
    After 7 weeks of not having sex, I was honest and told my partner I had Herpes II. He said he appreciatedmy honesty and could deal with it, but two days' later he ended our n ... For detail, click here.
  • Reveal your std status cautiously
    If you are going on date with someone whose STD status you don't know, don't rush to reveal yours. First take some time and a few dates to get to know them, deter ... For detail, click here.
  • Save your time - disclose std info on your profile, not on your date!
    Please be very honest about your complete std status on your profile. Do not leave out additional std information to share in person with your date. Disclosing additional ... For detail, click here.
  • Sharing a std with someone doesn't bind you to them for life
    It may seem as though the sharing of an STD with someone means that you are "stuck" with that one person for the rest of your life. A shared STD is not a life sentence an ... For detail, click here.
  • Should i tell someone i have an std on the first date?
    "Dating anyone after finding out you are std positive can be scary. The whole idea of telling a potential partner can be even scarier. We are really fortunate to have a s ... For detail, click here.
  • Talk about std in 3 different ways
    Well, for me I talk to the person for about 2 weeks, get to know them. And if I feel comfortable telling them, I kinda start out by saying, "I wanna share somethi ... For detail, click here.
  • Talking about std through email for the first date
    I have learned from several first dates that bringing up the STD conversation in person can be very uncomfortable. Its easier to talk about through email before you meet ... For detail, click here.
  • Tell matches about your status & symptoms before meeting in person
    My advice would be to tell matches you meet online up-front about your status and symptoms, even if it seems like you should wait to meet in person. Unfortunately, a ... For detail, click here.
  • Tell others your std status to give them the choice / option!
    I know we were all hurt and upset when we initially found out about our STD status. We all went through the angry emotions of wanting to know why the person who gave it to u ... For detail, click here.
  • Tell whomever it is because we can transmit it to anyone at any time.
    I have been diagnosed with Herpes Type 2 since December of 2012. I didn't have a choice... I was told after intimacy took place. Darn It! I was told after the 1st intimate en ... For detail, click here.
  • The reasons for telling that person face to face.
    You just have met somebody out and about or on another social or dating web site. Of course most people with std's will not just come out and say "hey, I have an std, want to ... For detail, click here.
  • Use best judgment as to how physically intimate with herpes.
    The first date after your genital herpes diagnosis may seem a little strange. However, if you hope to be sexually intimate with your date at some point, you may feel like you ... For detail, click here.

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