Enjoy tips shared by our members and learn from their real life
experiences. These are the most comprehensive dating tips online!
  • Don't share first impressions to friends
    After your first date don't go back to your friends and share all the secrets of this new person. Otherwise their first impression of this person is 2nd hand and they wil ... For detail, click here.
  • Don't sleep together on the first date - allow your kindred spirit to grow!
    Speaking from experience money is a great motivator and temptation. Just because you have it or someone your dating has it doesn't mean you always use the best discretion ... For detail, click here.
  • Getting that call after the first date
    If you're anything like me, that first date is really nerve-wracking, but what's even worse is the hours just after that first date. Constantly running everything ... For detail, click here.
  • How to do the next day after the first date
    The next day after a date, send a text or email saying thank you for the date. Nothing huge, just a note to let the person know you enjoyed your time with them. And if yo ... For detail, click here.
  • How to follow up after the first date
    So you've had a really great time on your first date and have decided you would like to see the other person again. For a gentleman I think it is a nice touch to as ... For detail, click here.
  • How to text the guy after a first date
    If, a couple days after a first date, the guy has not made the initial post-first date contact, the girl can text about something that reminded her of him. If he loves po ... For detail, click here.
  • How to use your phone apps to spot scammers?
    There are lots of scammers, including real people from the US. On the site, someone gives you his email or telephone number, you would like to call him or her, but nobody p ... For detail, click here.
  • If along the line you are not accepted by your date, please see it as a sign that the best is yet to come and move on
    Rejection is direction. If along the line you are not accepted by your date I advise you see it as a sign that the best is yet to come and move on. From experience, rejec ... For detail, click here.
  • Keep it classy after a great first date
    Here are tips to stay class after a great first date: 1. Say you enjoyed the date 2. The date can end with a hug or kiss on the cheek. If you do kiss, keep it a simple one. 3 ... For detail, click here.
  • Show your appreciation
    If you had a good first date with someone, don't hesitate to call them, just to say, "I had a wonderful time and I look forward to spending time with you, again." A ... For detail, click here.
  • Take the hint when he's simply not interested.
    Ok ladies, all our life, even as little girls, that first butterfly feeling of our first crush still taunts us as women. So, was your first date a success? Did he ask for you ... For detail, click here.
  • Tell a person you're not interested instead of simply ignoring them
    It has been my experience (often) that after emailing and/or talking with other members, they tend to fall off the planet and never respond or call/write again. It shows ... For detail, click here.
  • Think of the second date as the second first date.
    Congratulations! In your quest for meaningful romance, things are starting to look up. You recently went on a first date, and it must have gone well because you now have ... For detail, click here.
  • Three types of honest responses.
    Content: Sometimes the chemistry (or lack of it) is really obvious to both people after a first date! But at other times, you both might be letting the experience settle ... For detail, click here.
  • Turning down people
    After the first date, when one party or the other sees that it's just not a good fit, I feel it's very rude to the other person not to acknowledge, thank the person and gentl ... For detail, click here.
  • Watch out 8 things after first date.
    I would like to share my opinions here about the days after first date. 1- You both like each other and decided to keep in touch after first date. Now you both are in the ... For detail, click here.
  • When is it appropriate to call a guy after the first date?
    Never! Even if it is to say, last night was wonderful. Thank you, Mr. Perfect?. N-O! I suggest you kindly thank him at your doorstep. If a woman decides she just can't wait to ... For detail, click here.
  • Before you have sexual contact
    Even when you have met a potential partner that is aware of your STD and possibly has the same STD, do not forget about other types of transmittable diseases and illnesse ... For detail, click here.
  • Carry a condom around with you
    So, you found out your status and now that the smoke has cleared you are ready to get back on the dating scene. Only difference is you have to tread the waters lightly. I ... For detail, click here.
  • Check how old they (test results) are. if the person hesitates and starts making excuses; that's a red flag.
    You meet someone new and the sparks are flying. Take a step back and ask them for their latest test results and check how old they are. If the person hesitates and sta ... For detail, click here.

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